Dovydas Bukauskas

Developing all kinds of web and mobile applications, business management systems. Highly intereseted in architecture and backend solutions of developed software, nevertheless can manage frontend tasks with confidence.

What I Do

Backend Development

I am developing software solutions based on PHP, Laravel framework. I am fully capable to solve all problems associated with backend functionality. It could be anything: API for an application, SPA or simple website - I got you! During the process in order to ensure good quality of the product I implement such principles as OOP (Object Oriented Programming), DDD (Domain-Drive Design) , Unit Testing, and tools such as Test Coverage Tools (PhpUnit), Code Quality Checkers (PHPSTAN), Code formatter (PINT).

Frontend Development

As my main speciality and area of interest is backend software solutions, I am also capable of managing frontend tasks. For simpler type of websites I am going with Alpine.js and Tailwind frameworks. For more complex functionality I tend to choose React.js and if there is a requirement I could do work on Vue.js/nuxt frameworks.


Clients and Employers

Fun Facts

Working Days


Foosball Trophies Won


Coffee Consumed