8 Years of Experience
2024 - Current
Digital AZ • ContractFull Stack Developer
Developed REST API and all kinds of background processes with teams managed by SCRUM principle.
2023 - 2024
US Bank • ContractPHP Developer
Developed REST API and all kinds of background processes with teams managed by SCRUM principle.
2021 - 2023
KinfirmWeb Developer
Developed B2B principle based software in order to help clients organize companies work with a centralized software units.
2018 - 2021
Digital AZ • ContractWeb Developer
Mainly worked with laravel and wordpress. Time to time front-end and mobile development tasks were taken care of.
2017 - 2018
Dizaino arkliukasJunior Web Developer
Developed websites mainly on wordpress, had a touch with laravel projects. Needed a lot of out of the box thinking in order to adapt wordpress for custom solutions.
2016 - 2020
University of VilniusBachelors degree
Finished university while developing a real estate evaluation app with Citynow client.
3W academyWeb development courses
3 months intensive web development course after which I got a good kickstart for web development career.
Vilnius Žirmūnai gymnasiumHigh School
Finished top 5 gymnasium in whole Lithuania.
All year around
Updating my knowlegde with courses and books. In the beggining started out with laracasts then migrated to more specific courses, books related to the current working topic.